Healing & Spirituality Tips

- The Point of Hoku: Is an Acupressure point that can help alleviate frontal lobe headaches, low back pain and menstrual cramps (do not use this technique of you are pregnant or think you might be pregnant). This point is located on your hand near where your thumb and index finger come together. See picture. Sometimes the point will feel hard like the size of a pea or an almond. Other times it can just feel thick. You can press the point or stimulate with a back and forth movement. Use your breath to move the energy and visualize the point softening and make sure your legs are not crossed as to keep the flow of energy moving.
- Arnica: I am a big believer in Homeopathic Medicine and Arnica (aka, Arnica Montana) helps reduce muscle soreness and bruising. It comes in a clear topical gel and pellet form for dissolving under the tongue. I love both and carry them with me almost every where I go!
- Raise Your Vibration: One of the fastest ways to raise your vibration is with breathing. Fresh air carries lots of light. Take a deep breath in and hold it as long as you can. While holding your breath visualize yourself locating and gathering all the “yucky” stuff you can find in your body. On your exhale, thank, bless and release all that yucky stuff! Do this a few times and watch your energy and mood shift to a higher vibration.
- Scalp Massage: Is a great way to relax and get “out of your head.” Give it a try or share this gift with others and watch the melting begin.
- Muscle cramps: For quick alleviation of a muscle cramp, contract the opposing muscle group and massage the cramped muscle. Example: If you have a cramp in the calf muscle, pull your toes towards your knee contracting your shin area and elongating the calf, which eases the cramp.
- Muscle Testing: is an amazing way of using applied kinesiology to give you “yes” and “no” answers. This can really benefit decision making!
- While standing facing north, say “yes”. Your body should lean forward for a positive answer.
- When you say “no,” your body should lean backwards, indicating a negative response.
- If your body waivers back and forth it could mean that you test both positive and negative for your question. Try asking your question differently for a more clear answer.
- If your body does not lean at all, you are likely to be dehydrated and need to hydrate for an accurate response.
- If you move forward on a “no” and backwards on a “yes” this answer also indicates dehydration.