If you are looking for tips and support on how you can move the toxic energy around you, clear yourself, and open yourself up for momentum, look no further! Here are 10 action steps you can take to clear your energy today! Try one technique or take action on them all and watch the energy around you shift and support you for greater success!
1. Fresh Air
Open a window or several. The air inside can get stagnant and can support the experience of stagnation. By opening a window and allowing fresh air in it creates a refreshing space increasing flow and momentum.
2. Clear, Organize, & Cleanse Your Surroundings
Dust, clutter, and disarray can all slow down momentum and flow. Break down the clear/organize/clean project into smaller steps. Clear First, release from your space all that does not bring you joy and is no longer helpful for the life you are creating. I like to have clothing and “stuff” swaps with friends once a quarter and all unwanted items go to charity. Organize Second, set up your space so its most functional and aesthetically pleasing to your eye. The simple act of rearranging stuff so its most optimal can increase flow and success. Clean Third, the energy of dust and dirt can weigh us down. By giving your space a good clean, the energy will be fresh and expansive. Remember to clean door knobs, window sills, light fixtures and ceiling fans too. These areas are often overlooked and need attention too.
3. Movement For Momentum
Start a project, exercise, read, wash the dishes, do a load of laundry… It’s amazing how just moving and completing a small task can help create momentum and success for bigger tasks and success.
4. Shower/Bathe
Showering is like stepping under a small waterfall and rinsing our bodies clean of old stagnant and unwanted energy. Epsom salt soaks have been proven to clear, reset, and help purify our energies, too. I like to soak in a warm bath from 20 min with 2 cups of Epsom salts to clear my energy and help reset myself for success and optimal performance. I take this bath at least once a week, if not more and it really helps.
5. Put On Fun Clothes
Spice up your creativity, mood, and success with fun clothing and become your own work of art. If you work in a conservative environment, pick one article of clothing to pop and give yourself a sense of pizazz and uplift your energy. The energy of fun is invigorating and refreshing and can enhance your energy, creativity and success.
6. Light A Candle
It’s amazing the soothingness a lit candle creates. I find it increases my focus and calms my anxiety.
7. Fill Your Space With An Invigorating Scent
I like to carry with me a small spray bottle filled with spring water and a few drops of peppermint oil. When ever I am feeling stagnant or want a “pick me up” I spray a few pumps of this invigorating mist in front of me and walk into it. Room diffusers, scented candles, fresh flowers and herbs, and drops of essential oil in a bowl of water all help dispurs scents to move energy, uplift your mood, and shift your space.
Are you curious which scent will help you best? Here are a few of my favorites and their energetic properties:
8. Empowering Music
Music can motivate us and move us into action of empowerment. Some of my favorite motivational songs through the generations are:
60’s: ‘Born To Be Wild’, Steppenwolf 70’s: ‘Let It Be’, Beatles 80’s: ‘Eye of the Tiger’, Survivor 90’s: ‘I Believe I Can Fly’, R. Kelly 00’s: ‘It’s My Life’, Bon Jovi 10’s: ‘Save The World’, Swedish House Mafia 9. Free Write
Free Writing is a great tool that can help us “brain dump” as well as support focus. It is devoid of grammar and punctuation so Free Writing truly allows flow without perfection. Simply get out a notepad and write about whatever is on your mind for 5, 10 or 30 min. Afterwards I always feel free, like a weight has been lifted off me. Often, I am left inspired too! Sometimes I have a great “to do” list started. Others times I have written an exhilarating story of the day before. The great thing about Free Writing is there is no agenda… just write.
10. Meditate
Meditation is a guiding tool to support focus, expand awareness, ease stress and boost mood. There are a variety of ways to meditate from sitting in a quiet space and clearing the mind, to following a guided meditation on YouTube. When I meditate, I like hold space that only that which serves my highest and best good will come through. You can give yourself as little as 10 minutes or up to an hour or more to meditate. I always feel more calm and centered after a good meditation. Total bonus: My favorite time to Free Write is following a meditation. The “golden nugget” ideas just flow!
It is amazing how simple each of these actions are and yet their implementation can create incredible results! Are you ready to increase the potential energy around you and in your space today? If you said yes, which actions are you drawn to do first?
I wish you incredible success! May these tips support you in the most miraculous of ways!! I love to hear from you...Please share below which tip you implemented and what increased success you experienced as a result. If you like what you learned in this blog today, please “Like” and Share. I also invite you to read my other blogs such 5 Questions to Ask Your Higher Self, Why Pain is a Great Teacher, follow me on Facebook at: Synergy Custom Healing and add me on Instagram at: ReneeAlexander.IntuitiveHealer ![]()
Wishing you love, joy and freedom!
Renee Alexander, Intuitive Healer & Spiritual Teacher www.SynergyCustomHealing.com [email protected]
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AuthorThere are no coincidences! Renee has become a citizen of the world going only where guided helping to heal humanity. Archives
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